Have you ever gone to another country and been shocked by the toilet? You’re not alone! Most people are surprised when they encounter a different type of toilet – for example, one with an open hole in the ground. If you’ve never experienced this before, don’t worry – we have all the information you need to know about it! In this blog post, we’ll be exploring some of the most common types of toilets around the world.

Toilets Around the World

A Guide to Different Types of Toilets.

Every country has its way of dealing with waste management, and toilets might be one of the most interesting facets! Let’s take a look at some of the types you can find around the world.

Squat toilets

squat toilet

A squat toilet is a type where your feet are outside of or over a hole in the ground that houses water below it for flushing purposes (i.e., no seat). They’re common in countries throughout Asia as well as many African nations such as Kenya and Zimbabwe. Squat toilets are often placed above open sewers, which makes them especially bad since there’s really nowhere for bacteria to go after being deposited into.

Which countries have squat toilets, and why do these countries have this type of toilet?

The most common reason for squat toilets is the lack of toilet paper or any other similar product. Countries that use this type of toilet are China, Myanmar, and many African countries such as Zimbabwe.

What do people in China use instead of toilet paper?

The only thing that some people in China use is a small towel to “clean” themselves.

What are the benefits of squat toilets?

Squat toilets help prevent constipation because users have to engage more with their entire digestive systems when using this type of toilet. This also makes it easier for pregnant women and the elderly who need assistance from someone else, like caregivers or family members.

Squatting while going doesn’t cause hemorrhoids as often as sitting on Western-style chairs does, so there’s less chance of painful bowel movements later on. The squat position helps make bowel movements faster, too, since they’re not spilling out all over the place.

They are also known as Asian style toilets, these types of seats.

Are squat toilets easy to use or do you need to learn how to use them?

The most challenging part about going to the bathroom in a squat toilet is figuring out when you’re done. Some people will try and push while still sitting, resulting in a mess if they have diarrhea or constipation. It’s important to remember that it should be okay for your knees to touch the ground as long as the floor is clean! 

If you know how much time is appropriate after each bowel movement, then you won’t need any instruction on how these work – go ahead and sit down! Otherwise, read instructions posted outside of bathrooms first because some might require the use of both hands.

Sitting toilets

sitting toilet in a train

A different kind of toilet is a flush toilet with no lid which might be found in North America or Europe (i.e., it’s like sitting on top of a bowl). Some developing nations are known as “sit-down” toilets; they’re sometimes popular because you don’t have to leave your seat to clean up after yourself!

That being said though, they can also take more time than necessary since nothing is separating the person from hand contact with fecal matter while flushing down water into the bowl.

Who invented the western toilet, and which country did it start it?

Americans have traditionally attributed the invention of this toilet to Thomas Crapper in England. However, there are other claims that Alexander Cummings Sr first invented it. and James Sloan Gibb, who both received patents for their versions in 1884 (Crapper did not receive his patent until 1898). This makes them contenders as well!

Inventor: Alexander Cummings Sr., James Sloan Gibb, or Thomas Crapper

Year: 1884 – 1899

Country where they were invented: USA/England/Scotland

Effect on society: It is popular because you don’t have to leave your seat to clean up after yourself but can take more time than necessary since nothing is separating the person from hand contact with feces.

What are the different types of western toilets you can buy?
  • The most common type is a toilet that sits on the ground.
  • It doesn’t have as much water since it’s not being flushed away by anything but gravity, so you may go to the bathroom more often if there are many people in your home or building.
  • A standard European-style potty might be connected with pipes and an outside sewer system leading into a septic tank, a sewage treatment plant, or even directly to the ocean (gross!). This setup can lead to lots of leaks and bad smells because they’re hard for homeowners to maintain themselves!
  • An elaborate low flush model has one big bucket inside holding all sorts of liquids that needs replenishing every two weeks (or less)! The US government banned.
Are there any western toilets in developing countries like Kenya?

No, western toilets are not in developing countries like Kenya. Western toilet systems cost more money to install and maintain because they require a lot of water for flushing, so if you’re living on the poverty line, it’s just too expensive. Some public restrooms mimic western-style plumbing (with pipes), but these places are rare outside major cities where wealthy people live or travel. The majority of Kenyan homes use pit latrines without any running water at all! And there is no sewage system either; this means anything you put down a hole will sit around until eventually decomposing into methane gas, resulting in foul smells, flies gathering overhead, and other problems with sanitation.

Are there western toilets in Asian countries like China, Japan or Korea?

It’s common to see Asian squat toilets, which are essentially just a hole on the ground that is usually connected to some pipe system that flushes water when you do your business and then it drains out into the local sewage system.

In Korea, they have both Western-style bathtubs AND Eastern-style toilet facilities with either Japanese-style sitting toilets or Korean-style squatting pans… so if you’re not sure what kind of toilet is available at your hotel in Seoul, check before going in!

What about Asia? What types of toilets can I expect to find?

Some parts of Asia typically use Western-type flushable porcelain bowls, but other areas still utilize.

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